At Aterak Nutrition, our mission is to revolutionize the animal feed industry with cutting-edge, innovative solutions that address malnutrition and restore optimal health for horses and livestock, catering primarily to horse owners, farmers, and agricultural communities.

Aterak was born out of a need to provide horses with a high-quality, consistent product that provides complete nutrition in one bag. By restoring health to the animal, we restore the owner's peace of mind.
Since our beginning stages, we have grown to provide nutrition solutions beyond just the feed you give your horse. By taking the principles of our feed, we introduced pasture solutions to nourish our equine & livestock from the ground up. Utilizing regenerative farming methods to restore long-stem forage, we teach how to manage and revitalize the soil to ensure the health of equine & livestock. If we are able to improve the health of pastures, they will continue to feed our animals for
many generations to come!

Competitive Edge​
Complete Feed
Easy Keepers
Metabolic Miracle
Metabolic Relief
All of our grains are mixed in a Monensin (ionophore) free mill, to our exact formulated specifications,
eliminating the worry of possible contamination in your feed.
All orders are sent to mill for mixing days before delivery to ensure freshness.